Indonesian Novels in the National Newspaper’s Response of 2016
Nurhadi Bewe,
Kusmarwanti Noe,
Dian Swandayani
Volume 6, Issue 4, July 2018
5 August 2018
17 August 2018
12 September 2018
Abstract: This article aims to describe the phenomenon of the development of Indonesian fiction or novel in the response of Indonesian mass media during the year 2016. The phenomenon is derived from a number of reviews of literary works from a number of national newspapers: Kompas, Republika, Koran Tempo, Koran Sindo, and Media Indonesia. Based on the data and analysis of the fiction or novel reviews, there are four literary works that are quite phenomenal, namely: (1) Raden Mandasia si Pencuri Daging Sapi by Yusi Avianto Pareanom, (2) Supernova: Intelegensi Embun Pagi by Dewi Lestari, (3) O by Eka Kurniawan, (4) Tentang Kamu by Tere Liye. The four novels are reviewed at least twice by the national media. The four novels received positive comments from each reviewer. Novel Raden Mandasia si Pencuri Daging Sapi is expert in telling the adventures of his characters in the past, the time before Babad Tanah Jawa. Through the novel Supernova: Intelegensi Embun Pagi, Dewi Lestari is considered the author who has the intelligence to finish the last knitting of the children of his thinking. Tere Liye is a prolific author, at least in 2016 he has published three works of fiction, one of them titled Tentang Kamu. This novel is appreciated as a rich novel. Novel O by Eka Kurniawan not only talks about monkey love or puppy love, but offers more complex things. Here are four novels representing the phenomenon of fiction. Here are four novels from 45 novels that were reviewed during 2016. In addition to these four novels, other novels are quite diverse, both the theme and the genre.
Abstract: This article aims to describe the phenomenon of the development of Indonesian fiction or novel in the response of Indonesian mass media during the year 2016. The phenomenon is derived from a number of reviews of literary works from a number of national newspapers: Kompas, Republika, Koran Tempo, Koran Sindo, and Media Indonesia. Based on the data a...
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A Guide and Two Untime Chronicles to Contemplate Rothko’s Work
Fernando Echarri,
Emilio Varela
Volume 6, Issue 4, July 2018
23 August 2018
7 September 2018
10 October 2018
Abstract: The experience offered by a museum to a visitor can have different nature and importance for everyone. Each artwork is perpetually sending a message to the viewer, possibly creating an art-person link. This link can provide experiences of great significant power to the visitor. The article below aims to delve into the facilitation of these experiences in the case of the paintings created by the artist Mark Rothko work (1903-1970). Their special characteristics mean that they can be called "Rothko experiences". As a result, a guide to viewing the work, based on the artist's recommendations, has been developed which can facilitate the emergence of these so-called "Rothko experience". Specifically, some of the multiple "reality-aesthetical-art" connections experienced between Rothko's work and people whom observation incorporate an aesthetical and metaphysical dimension of reality are presented. To help in the understanding of these profound experiences and the aesthetical education of sensibility, the narrative method is used through two chronicles that gather the experiences lived by the authors in their contemplation of Rothko's work. These chronicles are examples that can help to understand the possibilities of Rothko's contemplative painting. The result is a synthetic study of Rothko work conceptualization, through one guide and the narrative dialectics between two "Rothko experiences" to show his aesthetical way of thinking, represented in his paintings.
Abstract: The experience offered by a museum to a visitor can have different nature and importance for everyone. Each artwork is perpetually sending a message to the viewer, possibly creating an art-person link. This link can provide experiences of great significant power to the visitor. The article below aims to delve into the facilitation of these experien...
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